Kaj je krtača slicker? Poskrbite za mehko in zdravo dvojno dlako vašega psa.

  • Z SHOOBY Team
  • Oct 29

Če ste ponosni lastnik psa z dvojno dlako, zagotovo poznate izzive pri ohranjanju njegove dlake mehke, zdrave in brez vozlov. Dvojna dlaka je lahko blagoslov in hkrati prekletstvo - nudi izolacijo tako v hladnem kot tudi toplem vremenu, vendar nega ni vedno mačji kašelj. Tukaj nastopi "junak" nege psov: krtača slicker.

V tem članku bomo raziskali, kaj pravzaprav je krtača slicker, kako deluje, zakaj bi jo morali uporabljati, ali resnično daje rezultate, ali lahko povzroči nelagodje vašemu ljubljenčku, in kako se razlikuje od drugih pripomočkov za nego dlake.

Kaj je krtača slicker?

Krtača s ščetinami je pripomoček za nego, ustvarjen posebej za potrebe psov z dvojno dlako. Običajno je opremljena s finimi žičnatimi ščetinami, ki so tesno postavljene na ravno ali rahlo ukrivljeno površino. Te ščetine pomagajo pri razvozlavanju in odstranjevanju odmrle dlake iz zgornje in spodnje plasti dlake. Zasnova krtače s ščetinami ji omogoča, da prodre globoko v pasjo dlako in doseže vozle, ki bi jih druge krtače morda zgrešile.

Kako deluje?

Ko uporabite krtačo, fine ščetine nežno ujamejo izpadlo dlako ter razčešejo morebitne vozle ali sprijeto dlako. Med krtačenjem se ti vozli začnejo rahljati, kar olajša njihovo odstranjevanje. Slicker krtača pomaga pri enakomerni porazdelitvi naravnih olj po dlaki, spodbuja zdrav sijaj in mehkobo. Redno krtačenje s slicker krtačo lahko tudi spodbudi krvni obtok, kar koristi koži vašega psa in celotnemu počutju.

Zakaj bi jo moral/a uporabljati?

Slicker krtače ponujajo več prednosti, ki jih naredijo nepogrešljive za lastnike psov z dvojno dlako. Tukaj je nekaj razlogov, zakaj bi morali razmisliti o uporabi krtače slicker:

  1. Preprečevanje vozlanja in sprijete dlake: Slicker krtače odlično preprečujejo nastajanje vozlov in sprijemanje dlake vašega psa, kar omogoča manj stresnih ur krtačenja tako za vas kot tudi za vašega ljubljenčka.
  1. Izboljšanje zdravja kožuha: Z razporejanjem naravnih olj in spodbujanjem kroženja krvi Slicker krtače pomagajo ohranjati mehak, zdrav in sijoč kožuh.
  1. Manj izpadanja dlak: Redno krtačenje s slicker krtačo lahko znatno zmanjša izpadanje dlak, ohranja vaš dom bolj čist in psu zagotavlja večje udobje.
  1. Čas za povezovanje: Krtačenje psa je odlična priložnost za povezovanje in gradnjo zaupanja med vami in vašim kosmatim prijateljem.

Ali slicker krtače res delujejo?

Da, krtače slicker resnično delujejo, ko gre za nego pasje dlake s podlanko. So zelo učinkovite pri preprečevanju vozlov in sprijete dlake, zmanjšujejo izpadanje dlake ter spodbujajo mehko in zdravo dlako. Redna uporaba krtače slicker kot del rutine bo zagotovo prinesla opazne rezultate.  

What is a Slicker Brush? Complete Guide. What is a Slicker Brush? Keep your double-coated dog's fur soft and healthy.

Ali lahko slicker krtače poškodujejo pasjo kožo? 

When used correctly, slicker brushes should not hurt your dog's skin. It's essential to brush gently, avoiding excessive pressure and focusing on detangling rather than pulling. Be attentive to your dog's body language and stop if they show any signs of discomfort. A well-maintained, clean slicker brush with no bent or damaged bristles is also less likely to cause any discomfort.

And here's a crucial tip: Always invest in a better quality slicker brush with soft and thin bristles which are more gentle (+ it's more likely that even dogs that hate brushing will be okay with it).

How is a slicker brush different than other deshedding tools? 

Slicker brushes differ from other deshedding tools in their approach to grooming. Unlike some other deshedding tools that primarily focus on removing loose undercoat fur, slicker brushes are versatile and suitable for daily grooming, mat prevention, and maintaining a shiny coat. They gently detangle and remove both loose topcoat (that's the fur you see) and undercoat (the hidden fur underneath), making them an excellent choice for dogs with a double coat. The fine bristles of a slicker brush can reach deeper into your dog's fur, ensuring comprehensive grooming and preventing mat formation. 

Also, it's good to know that some deshedding tools can actually cut your dog's hair, which might not be good for all dog breeds. Slicker brushes won't do that, so they're generally safer and gentler for your pup.

When choosing a slicker brush, consider the following:

  1. Your Dog's Coat Type: Slicker brushes are particularly well-suited for dogs with a high propensity for shedding, such as double-coated breeds. These brushes excel at removing loose fur and tangles, making them a top choice for managing your dog's coat. 
  1. Size Matching Your Dog: Slicker brushes come in various sizes, so it's essential to choose one that corresponds to the size of your dog. For larger breeds, a larger brush is not only more efficient but also saves you time during grooming sessions.
  1. Bristle Softness: The texture of the bristles is a vital consideration. Opt for slicker brushes with softer bristles, as harsh ones may cause discomfort or even scratch your dog's sensitive skin. Ensuring a gentle brushing experience is paramount for your pet's well-being.
  1. Quality Matters: While it might be tempting to opt for a budget-friendly option, investing in a high-quality slicker brush is wise. Cheaper brushes may deteriorate quickly, rendering them ineffective over time. A durable, well-constructed brush can last through many grooming sessions, making it a more cost-effective choice in the long run.
  1. Handle Comfort: If you find yourself dedicating a significant amount of time to brushing your dog's coat, having a comfortable handle becomes a critical feature. An ergonomic design can reduce hand fatigue, making grooming sessions more enjoyable for both you and your dog.
  1. Design Aesthetic: While the aesthetics of the brush are a personal preference, they can also contribute to your overall grooming experience. Some brands, like SHOOBY, offer slicker brushes with wooden handles, giving them a luxurious appearance while maintaining a comfortable grip. Aesthetically pleasing tools can add an element of enjoyment to the grooming process. 


  1. What are double-coated dogs?

Double-coated dogs, as the name suggests, have not one, but two layers of fur. These two layers serve specific purposes: the soft, insulating undercoat keeps them warm in cold weather, while the outer guard hairs act as protection against the sun and elements. This natural design provides double-coated breeds with a variety of distinctive characteristics.

Some well-known double-coated dog breeds include the Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Pomeranian, Bernese Mountain Dog, Samoyed, Shetland Sheepdog, Akita, Chow Chow, Collie, Newfoundland, Great Pyrenees, Tibetan Mastiff, Keeshond, and Australian Shepherd. These breeds are particularly prone to shedding, especially during seasonal changes, making them prime candidates for the benefits of slicker brushes in maintaining their healthy coats.

  1. Will the slicker brush work on dogs with short hair?

 Absolutely! Slicker brushes are effective for dogs with short hair, particularly if they are experiencing heavy shedding.

  1. Will the bristles of the slicker brush hurt my dog's skin if they have short hair?

 When grooming short-haired dogs, apply gentle pressure to the brush to prevent any discomfort to their skin. 

  1. Does the slicker brush cut the hair? 

No, the slicker brush does not cut hair as some other tools might. Instead, it delicately detangles and gathers loose fur.

  1. Can I use the slicker brush on puppies?

Yes, a quality slicker brush is gentle enough for use on puppies when handled with care. However, if you're unsure, it's advisable to consult your vet or a professional groomer, especially for breeds with delicate skin or specific grooming requirements.

  1. Do I really need a slicker brush?

Absolutely! Matting in the undercoat can be painful and uncomfortable for dogs. The slicker brush is the most effective tool for managing matted hair and shedding.

How do you use a slicker brush?

To use a slicker brush effectively:

- Begin brushing your dog's coat from the head and work your way down to the tail.
- Employ gentle, short strokes and ensure you brush close to the skin, not just the surface, to prevent worsening matting.
- Tackle tangles and mats carefully, starting from the tips and working down to the roots.
- The slicker brush will collect loose hair as you go along.
- Repeat the process until your dog's coat is smooth and free of tangles.
- Note that it's best to use a slicker brush on a dry coat, as wet hair can stretch and break, making it more susceptible to tangling.
- Regular use of the slicker brush will help maintain your dog's coat in top-notch condition.

By following these guidelines, you'll ensure that your dog's grooming experience is comfortable, their coat stays in excellent condition, and shedding and matting are effectively managed.


For dog owners with double-coated breeds like Samoyeds, Siberian Huskies or Golden Retrievers, the slicker brush is a game-changer in maintaining soft, healthy fur. This versatile grooming tool sets itself apart from other deshedding options by effectively managing both topcoat and undercoat, preventing mats and controlling shedding. Regular use of the slicker brush ensures your pup remains comfortable and your home stays fur-free. So, whether you're a grooming pro or a newcomer to pet care, add the slicker brush to your toolkit for a happier, healthier, and softer double-coated dog.

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